Saturday, June 11, 2016

Blog Assignment #1

1) Please tell us about yourself. What makes you interesting or unique or tell us a funny story about you.

Hi, my name is Michelle Kostka. I am a junior at Montclair State University. I am a FCST major and I am also in the teacher education program. I am a commuter and lived on campus when I was a freshman. I work as a daycare teacher and I also have a beautiful dog named Boomer.

2) Please tell us are you an FCST major or not. If so why did you choose this major? If you are not an FCST major, tell us about your own major and why you chose it.

Like I said, I am a FCST major. I switched to this major during my spring semester of freshman year. I chose this major because I love different dynamics of families and learning about the way people live.

3) What are your current career plans or plans for graduate school? Or tell us if you plan to marry rich or travel the world!

When I graduate I hope to become and elementary school teacher and then go back to school for my masters. And pay back allllll of my loans. Ugh.

4) Next tell us about your family - for example - are your parents married or not, do you live with them, do you have siblings, pets etc? Or maybe you grew up in foster care, or you are cohabiting or married and live with your spouse and/or children.

I live with my mom and dad who have been married for 27 years. I have a brother who is 22 and currently in the process of moving out of his college frat house and back home with me and my parents. He recently graduated from Ramapo college and has a full time job as an accountant. I also have a dog whos name is Boomer.

5) Please describe an activity you like to share with your family? etc.
My family and I love to go on hikes and do a lot of outdoor things that we can bring my dog to. My dad thinks of my dog as this third human child so he tries to revolve all of the family plans around him.
6) Next choose 2 topics on the syllabus that interest you and tell us a few sentences WHY they interest you.
I am interested in learning about divorce. Almost all of my friends have experienced divorce in their families. I think the best way to understand divorce is by reading the academic definition and trying to understand it from different perspectives. Another topic I am interested in learning about is women and paid work. I think this is a very interesting topic because women in the work place is something that somehow struggle with to this day and hopefully by learning more about this I can take a better stand with it.

7) Review quiz of syllabus:

A) What day and time does class meet? This is a trick question hopefully, but this is an online class.

B) How many blogs must you complete for full credit? All 6 blog assignments must be completed for full credit.

C) When are blogs assignments due? Blog assignments 1 & 3 are due on a Sunday and blog assignments 2,4,5,6 are all due on a Wednesday.

D) What should you do before EVERY face-to-face class? This is maybe another trick question since we don't meet face to face but we should probably check Canvas on a regular basis so we don't fall behind.

E) What is a topic of a class during week 3? Week 3 has four topics: Marriage, Divorce, The state, social policies, and families and Children and Poverty.

F) Which week do we focus on Marriage? Week 3, Monday June 27.


  1. Michelle! I wasn't trying to trick you, sorry! I teach this class as a hybrid in the spring and I forgot to change the two quiz questions regarding class format. I am happy to read that you think the best way to study divorce is through the use of academic sources. Great first post.

  2. Michelle! I wasn't trying to trick you, sorry! I teach this class as a hybrid in the spring and I forgot to change the two quiz questions regarding class format. I am happy to read that you think the best way to study divorce is through the use of academic sources. Great first post.
