Sunday, June 19, 2016

Blog Assignment #5

1) Identify two of the examples used by Coontz to disprove Supreme Court Justice Kennedy's when he pronounced that marriage "embodied 'the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family,' conferring 'nobility and dignity' on those who enter it."
One example that proves Justice Kennedy wrong is that the Christian community, the highest status level went to people who reminded celibate and single. Another example is in Catholic womanhood, the wife came in last, behind virgin and then widow.
2) Coontz suggests several reasons why researchers project that 25 percent of young people today will reach their mid-40s without marrying. List and descrbe two of these.
One reason why researchers project that 25% of young people will not be married by 40 is because you can live with someone without having to be married. People cohabitate and treat each other as husband and wife or a married with couple without actually having the label of one. Another reason is because you don't need to have another partner to raise and have children. People can adopt or have babies without having a spouse.
3) So I CANNOT find a You Tube clip of Charlotte and Harry's wedding from Sex & the City. HBO has really cracked down! So if you have seen the episode or have HBO - go to Season 6, episode 8 "The Catch." Otherwise think about weddings you've seen on TV, in movies, or in person. List 5 wedding traditions that you have seen?
1. One tradition is having the bride and groom not see each other on their wedding day until the bride is walking down the aisle to her groom. If they see each other, it is considered bad luck.
2. Another tradition I have seen is having the bride and groom jump over a broom at the end of a ceremony.
3. The third tradition is when the bride throws her bouquet during the reception to all of the women guests and whoever catches it is supposedly the next one to get married. 
4. The fourth tradition I do not know too much about it but I know during the reception the bride and the groom step on glass in a bag to symbolize something. I think this is only done in a certain religion but I don't know which religion it is.
5. The last tradition is that the bride usually wears a white gown to symbolize that she is a virgin for her groom. 
4) Choose one tradition and do a little research on-line - what is the history behind that tradition?
The tradition I picked was throwing the bouquet. This became a tradition because there was a wise tale that said that if someone took something from the bride during her wedding, they were to have good luck in finding a husband. People actually used to chase the bride and groom around the wedding trying to steal something from them so they would have good luck next.

5) Write about a paragraph about the origin of the tradition and whether or not you might include this in your own wedding - if you plan on having one.
Tossing the bouquet is a tradition that stems from England. Women used to try to rip pieces of the bride's dress and flowers in order to obtain some of her good luck. To escape from the crowd the bride would toss her bouquet and run away. I will definitely include this in my wedding because I love following traditions and I always pictured myself doing this when I was younger and would envision my own wedding. 

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